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Blog: Oldham 99.7FM

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You find me today relaxed and refreshed after a, frankly, rather SLOTHFUL weekend, for LO! I entered my house on Friday evening and did not emerge, not even to pop out the back door, until Monday morning. And it was GRATE!

Much ACTION was undertaken mind you, not least practicing for tomorrow night's Totally Acoustic gig, for which I am doing SEVERAL songs I've not done for a good long while, ALSO some more bits trying out for The Show. I also recorded a SESSION for The Download Show on Oldham Community Radio, with acoustical versions of Professional, Competent, Rocking And Tight, Do The Indie Kid and Hey Hey 16K. The BEST bit was overdubbing some extra bits onto the Music Of The Future section of Do The Indie Kid, MAN ALIVE but that was a LOT of fun. The trouble with Music Of The Future is that it is SO much fun and SO easy that it tends to leave Music Of The Present sitting on its own in the corner, looking slightly sad, perhaps regretting its own youthful mockery of Music Of The Past.

And then there was cooking and telly and packaging of singles - thanks VERY much for everyone who leapt in and bought the Newly Discovered copies of Born With The Century, I'm now down to three copies, so if you'd like one NOW would be the time to make your feelings known!

posted 21/4/2008 by MJ Hibbett

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Mr Frankie Machine was in superb form at the Sparklemotion acoustic popshow last night. You Londons are in for a proper treat on Tuesday!
posted 21/4/2008 by Pete Green

The trouble with Music Of The Future is that it is SO much fun and SO easy that it tends to leave Music Of The Future sitting on its own in the corner, looking slightly sad, perhaps regretting its own youthful mockery of Music Of The Past.

Did you mean that second 'of the future' and not 'present'?
posted 22/4/2008 by Pauly

Oops, yes I did, thanks!
posted 23/4/2008 by MJ Hibbett

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