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Blog: Shift Run Stop Trailer

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There's a LOVELY trailer over on the Shift Run Stop webpage for my appearance on their show tomorrow. It really looks rather spiffing, tho I wish I'd paid a bit more attention to the fact they were filming, instead of looking a bit ODD, as if I was trying to ignore what was going on. ALSO, why oh why does my DAD once again appear at the end of both songs, squinting over his pint?!? Can he not be satisfied with appearing in half of my photographs?!?

Anyway, yes - SONGS! There's two songs in there, live versions of Hey Hey 16K and A Little Bit, each done near a slightly different London Elephant, and each sounding - if I may say so - pretty all right!

It IS just a trailer though - you'll have to wait until tomorrow for the full VENTING of my Many Many Opinions! I wonder how much of it they squeezed in? Hopefully not THE LOT!

posted 8/6/2010 by MJ Hibbett

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