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Blog: Surya / Podcast

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Two items of ADMIN for you today! First of all, I'm doing a GIG tonight - I know it's late-notice affair but I'm STEPPING IN for someone who dropped out, and it's a VERY good cause. It's a Charity Event for the Little Princess Trust who "provide real-hair wigs to boys and girls across the UK and Ireland that have sadly lost their own hair through cancer treatment". It's free entry I'm on second, playing with JOS, Apple Eyes, and Yasmina Cherelle and Diego Raspati.

And SECONDLY, I'm on this week's NerdBastards Podcast, talking about last week's episode of Doctor Who. I thought it was going to be a Light Chat Featuring Ranting, to be honest, but we ended up getting RIGHT into it - it was very strange for me, I said all sorts of UTTERLY GEEKY things that I usually do my absolute best to keep safely locked up INSIDE my MIND. Throughout our discussion I kept thinking "EEK! Don't say that! Everyone think you are a MASSIVE GEEK!" then realising that was pretty much the point. It was MUCH fun, and it even forced me to FINALL learn how to use SKYPE in order to do it - it felt DEAD futuristic!

posted 19/9/2012 by MJ Hibbett

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