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Doom In Advertising

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Doctor Doom does not appear in this comic at all, which is a shame as it's drawn by Gil Kane and looks gorgeous. The reason it's found its way into my database is that the entry on The Grand Comics Database lists Doom as appearing in an advert for Astonishing Tales #1. This is part of the problem with using data submitted by lots of different people at different times without clear guidance on exactly what they should be including. Other adverts appear that don't get included, while some adverts that do don't list every character, so it's impossible to get a clear view on what's happening across the full range of comics published.

It also forces me to go beyonad Marvel Unlimited in search of explanation - it's a great site, but it only tends to include story pages, rather than the adverts and other editorial material, so in this case I had to find scanned copies elsewhere, which actually turned out to be very handy as it also showed me this advertisement: This was NOT listed on GCD, showing once again how haphazard the listings are. I'm very glad to have found it though, as Doctor Doom is one of the characters on the decal stickers sheet, and once again he's the only villain amongst Marvel's most popular heroes. This is something I'll be covering elsewhere, outside of this blog, when I look at the "non-narrative" appearances of Doom, but it's a great find. Thanks, non-standardised data enterers!

link to information about this issue

posted 10/9/2018 by Mark Hibbett

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A process blog about Doctor Doom in The Marvel Age written by Mark Hibbett