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What If Sub-Mariner Had Married The Invisible Girl?

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This is a follow-up to the very first issue of "What If?" which saw Spider-man joining the Fantastic Four. At the end of that story Sue Storm left the team to marry Prince Namor, and here we discover that Mr Fantastic hasn't been coping very well, taking his anger out out on poor old Spider-man by constantly criticising the quality of his work. This is, quite understandably, annoying for Spider-man, who doesn't go to HR, which is what I would recommend, but instead just hands in his resignation. Reed Richards goes a bit mad and ends up fighting with Namor, only stopping when they realise that Sue is giving birth to a baby. It does seem monumentally dick-ish of both men to be so busy waving their willies around that they don't notice a woman giving actual birth in the same room as them, but the shock of seeing the baby does at least make Reed Richards realise that he should probably try and get over it. It's a bit of a daft story, though beautifully illustrated by Gene Colan, which makes it a shame that Doom only appears in the single panel above, and only as a prop to demonstrate Spider-man's efficiency and Reed's lack of management skills! Still, that's Minor Appearances Month for you!

link to information about this issue

posted 4/12/2019 by Mark Hibbett

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A process blog about Doctor Doom in The Marvel Age written by Mark Hibbett