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Songs: Good Luck In Your New Job
notes / gigs / releasesIt's a new job that you're starting today
And it'll be OK if you'll just bear in mind
A few pointers from me
Try to find out how the dress code works
Don't wear a Hawaiin Shirt and find out the whole company's in mourning
For the Director and his daughter
Who drowned last week off Oahu
In your new job that you're starting today
And remember to take a packed lunch
In case they eat where they sit and then nip to the pub
It won't be good if you collapse across your table
In a Hypo-Glycaemic coma
In your new job that you're starting today
Let's whistle while we work!
Before you launch into a monologue too lengthy
It's best to test the tone of conversation
If all they ever talk about is football and the telly
They might not want to hear about your prostate operations
And remember not to worry too much
Just relax and I'm sure you probably won't mess it up
Really badly and have to resign on your first day
In your new job that you're starting today
That your starting today
Good luck starting today
Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing
When Steve Lamacq moved over to the Afternoon Show on 6Music he asked me to come in on his last Sunday Show and write a Song For The Occassion. I had a couple of thoughts about what to do - I did consider doing some sort of "Steve Lamacq in the Afternooooon" jingle, but there wasn't really anywhere to GO with that, and the Stereo On My FM suggested doing one about all the times I'd been in before, but I thought that might be an bit EXCLUDING of, well, everybody else really - but in the end I decided to have a go at something more GENERAL, so that if it turned out WELL i could use it again, and also so it might MEAN something a bit more than a One Off GAG.
HENCE this, based as EVER on Things I Say In The Pub when people are starting new jobs. One night (16th March, CHRONO FANS) I was trying to finish off a song called "Only Slightly Odd" which never turned out well enough to play to anybody. I'd managed to get about TWO LINES down in the space of AN HOUR so, Frustrated, I thought "Sod it, let's have a go at the Steve Lamacq song" and LO! it POURED out, with the whole song pretty much emerging in one go. I sat down in front of my tape recorder and sang it all into it in a couple of attempts and then TRANSPOSED it. "It's very LOOSE", i thought, as it didn't really RHYME, but when I THEN sat down at the computer to type it up I fiddled it a bit and SUDDENLY it DID rhyme. A LOT!
It was all really really easy anyway, it's WEIRD when that happens, when you just PLUCK it from the IMMATERIA like that with no effort whatsoever... anyway, I was very pleased with it and it seemed to go down very well indeed when I went in to see them. It made its way into the Live Set shortly afterwards, so much so that it ended up being recorded for my live album, The Uberset shortly afterwards. I'd intended to re-do it someday for a "proper" album, but it sounds so nice there I don't know if i'll bother.