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Songs: Please Don't Eat Us
notes / gigs / releasesSince the moment that you landed on the planet
You've been appalled to hear your habits called barbaric
You might think that's what we're for
But we regard ourselves as more
Than freshly picked free range and organic
To put it simply we would rather
Be in your hearts than in your larder
Please don't eat us, we want to be your friends
Not your ingredients
So before you munch your lunch kindly consider
Your dinner could be someone else's little sister
And if you say "but she was yum!"
While later talking to her Mum
Don't be surprised if her reply is somewhat bitter
You might think she's being rude
But she is not on the menu
Please don't eat us, we want to be your friends
Not your ingredients
Please don't eat us please
Let's all live in peace
We are not your tea
Please don't eat us please
Please don't masticate my mother
Please don't dine upon my Dad
And please do not slice up my brother
When you fancy a kebab
Take the lead from our example
Take a leaf out of our book
You might like eating other species
Human beings never would
What's that? Oh well, that's different
No, you can't look in the kitchen
Please don't eat us, we want to be your friends
Not your ingredients
Please don't eat us please
Let's all live in peace
We are not your tea
Please don't eat us please
Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing
A new song written for the FULL BAND version of Dinosaur Planet to replace It Isn't Nice To Eat Your Friends which always seemed to DIE whenever I played it. With my head full of HOLLYWOOD BIOPICS where The Producer says "DANNY! Go back to you small apartment and write me a HIT - it needs to be in the show TOMORROW!" I decided to take action and THIS is the result.
Some people have suggested that it may have an UNDERLYING POLITICAL MESSAGE re: human diet choices. I'm sure I don't know WHAT they mean...