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Blog: More Moore

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I've been GRAPPLING with Windows Movie Maker - it's not exactly FRIENDLY is it - and have done a couple of VIDOES for some of my FAWM songs. The first attempt was a fairly simple LIVE version of Giant Robots And Gorillas (riding dinoaurs) which I just stuck some subtitles on.

I sent this to Rich Johnston, who writes the GRATE Lying In The Gutters, but foolishly sent it too SOON, so he couldn't see it yet. HOWEVER, he did go and listen to one of my OTHER songs, Alan Moore, which he liked so much he said he'd put it in this week's column and - ULP! - pass it on so the MAN HIMSELF could listen to it.

I must admit i am slightly AFEARED at this idea - if tomorrow i have been turned into a FROG you will know why. Anyway, EXCITED at this idea I decided to have a go at a slightly more SOPHISTICATED vidoe, and had a happy few hours putting together THIS!.

I CONFESS, i am RATHER chuffed with it - the lip synching goes a bit awry and the ANIMATED section isn't particular...well, animated, but it was HECKLOADS of fun to do. Go see!

posted 4/2/2008 by MJ Hibbett

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