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Blog: Moon Horse in Brighton

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I arrived at The Prince Albert to find Mr S Hewitt waiting with a pint of Old Chestnut on the go. We went and CHECKED IN, continuing our habit of DELIGHTING SOUNDMEN by saying "We don't need any sound, thanks." They always seem to like that! This gave us more time to drink BEER and eat GRUB, in preparation for the SHOW.

I must admit I was a bit worried about how it would work - we were supporting The Lovely Eggs, who had been VERY LOUD INDEED during the soundcheck, and I wondered what on earth people who'd come to see THEM (and it was very much their crowd!) would make of us. It was a BIG crowd who were all standing up, so when we came on we explained what we were going to do, how long it would be (I always think this has got to HELP - if people think it's going to be a normal 30 minute support slot they're like to be SURPRISED!) and then got ON with it. We've not done many gigs like this at all with 'Moon Horse' and the first ten minutes or so felt a bit odd, with sections that usually get LARFS being met with nervous titters and PUZZLEMENT, as people didn't seem sure what to make of it. We did some AD LIBS at various points to try and make it clear that everything was all right and it was MEANT to be like this, and by the second half we were rolling along nicely - people STAYED and WATCHED and by the time we got to the EMOTIONAL bits at the end you could have heard the proverbial PIN dropping.

It all reminded me why i love doing this show so much - i LOVE it when it starts to turn POLITICAL and you can HEAR people realising what's happening. Even now I'm tempted to say out loud "Hey kids! IT'S A METAPHOR!!" as if I'm scared people wouldn't NOTICE, but they always SEEM too, and i ESPECIALLY enjoy the very very end bit, when there's four big GAGS in a row. It's GRATE!

Afterwards Steve flew off back home and I hung around to have a CHAT and watch the Lovely Eggs. It was all lovely, except that I found myself getting a COLD, so bought some LEMSIP on the way back to my hotel room which, it turned out, was located not only on the seafront but also directly opposite a TAXI RANK near a NIGHT CLUB. It was a night of not much sleep when I thought "Gosh! Why do people GO to places like that when EVERYONE seems to come out so ANGRY?" It was a bit of a RUM end to an otherwise ACE night out - the last chunk of Moon Horse for a while now, but fear not, we shall return!

posted 29/11/2011 by MJ Hibbett

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