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Blog: Dinosaur Planet for Schools

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After months of thought and preparation I'm very VERY excited to announce the launch of Dinosaur Planet for Schools!

I've created a new script (based on a mixture of the album and the final live version me and Steve did at Green Man) which is designed to be performed LIVE by a FULL-CAST, and I'm offering it to amateur groups (so not JUST schools) to perform in 2013 for FREE!

"For FREE?!?" you may exclaim, "What MADNESS is this?" The thinking is threefold: firstly, and mostly, I'd just like to see it DONE, secondly I'd like to get some feedback on whether it WORKS, and finally I've got an idea to HAWK it round theatrical publishers next year, and some Actual Performances would really help.

SO, if you're interested, do please have a look at the new website and then get in touch via and we'll get sorted out. I'd REALLY like this to happen - so if you know anybody ELSE who might be interested in staging the show, do let me know!

Right then, enjoy the website, and here's the press release:

Band Target Children With Free Space Dinosaurs

Indie legends MJ Hibbett & The Validators have turned their science fiction rock opera 'Dinosaur Planet' into a stage musical and are offering free performance rights to schools, youth groups and amateur dramatic societies.

'Dinosaur Planet' was released as a full-cast special effectsladen concept album earlier this year to great acclaim from the science fiction community. SFX Magazine called it "Jeff Wayne's new competition", said it was "the space dinosaurs vs. giant robots rock opera you've been waiting for", and Den Of Geek called it "a ridiculous, charming, delightful oddity".

Now the band would like to see it performed by amateur groups. "I've always thought it would make a brilliant school play, " says MJ Hibbett. "The songs are very easy to play and sing along to, and making the giant robots and space dinosaurs would be a lot of fun! It also contains a lot of educational information, such as the need for good academic research methods, and ways not to get eaten by space dinosaurs."

This new adaptation of the story is based on the two-man musical which MJ and his friend Steve Hewitt have been touring around the country for the past two years. The pair performed this version at the Edinburgh Fringe, Camden Fringe, Green Man and Leicester Comedy Festivals.

The show is available for amateur groups to perform throughout 2013. Anyone who applies will also receive a songbook, videos, artwork, free downloads and even a visit by MJ Hibbett himself. Those interested can find out more at the show's website and can email for a copy of the script.

For more information contact MJ Hibbett at

posted 16/10/2012 by MJ Hibbett

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